EI Internet Solution

With the expansion of Internet media services, more and more demands and challenges have been raised in the areas of content review and business enhancement. HUAWEI CLOUD provides a full range of AI service capabilities for Internet+ scenarios. Efficient services help the Internet’s new media customers with content business, meet review compliance requirements, improve user stickiness, and increase DAU.
Business Challenges
  • Large Investments in Content Moderation Due to Service Growth and Intensified Content Control

    In recent years, many Internet platforms have been reviewed due to content compliance issues, and some have been suspended. A lot of manpower and material resources are invested to meet content compliance requirements, but these efforts are often inefficient.

  • Search Capabilities Needed by Site Search, Piracy Identification, and Other Services

    Diversified Internet platform and site search requirements and various image search scenarios need effective and intelligent search capabilities.

  • Content Analysis and Value Mining Capabilities Required by Various Services

    Content analysis is required in various scenarios such as news, video, and voice analysis. However, self-built systems deliver slow, ineffective analysis, so an efficient and accurate service-oriented content analysis system is a must.

  • Various Challenges Facing Recommendation Systems (Information Overload and Long-Tail Effect, Content Understanding, and Narrowness of Interests)

    Internet enterprises are highly focused on DAU/MAU, so increasing user loyalty and session duration are key to product optimization, and finding ways of effectively increasing the recommendation success rate is vital for service growth.

Typical Scenarios
  • Content Moderation

  • Content Analysis

  • Recommendation System

  • Intelligent Search

Content Moderation

Content Moderation

Content Moderation leverages cutting-edge image, text, and video technologies to precisely detect advertisements, pornographic or terrorism-related content, and sensitive political content, reducing any non-compliance risks in your business and improving quality review efficiency.

  1. Video Image Moderation: pornographic, violent, or terrorism-related content, and sensitive political content

  2. Video Text Moderation

  3. Video Voice Moderation

  4. Video Sound Moderation

Content Analysis

Content Understanding-Content Analysis

The Video Analysis Service (VAS) is an integrated service for analysis and management of video content. It makes use of video cover extraction, intelligent video topics segmentation, and multi-modal video content tagging.

  1. A selection of industry-specific deep learning networks

  2. NLP-based multi-modal tag management

  3. Large-scale distributed GPU architecture

Recommendation System

Ultimate Purpose of a Recommendation System

Help users identify what they are interested in.

  1. Content Risk Controllable

    Identifying unqualified content is a key task of UGC websites. AI technologies can help identify violations and reduce operation risks.

  2. Identifying Content Tags

    Identifies content scenarios, characters, voice, and text to generate multi-dimensional tags.

  3. Identifying User Preferences

    Extracts content tags and analyzes preferences based on user behavior.

Intelligent Search

  1. Accurate Understanding of User Intent

    ▪Uses the text processing technology to perform word segmentation, error correction, and association on search keywords.
    ▪Leverages the customized word dictionaries to accurately understand user intent.

  2. Personalized Search Results

    ▪Integrates multiple types of information to customize and sort the search results.
    ▪Displays different search results based on the search history and click history of different users.

  3. Continuous Optimization

    ▪Automatically optimizes search results based on users' feedback on search behavior so that the search engine becomes more accurate.

  4. Responsive Scenario-based Search

    ▪Based on the accurate understanding of user intent, predicts users' search behavior and optimizes the search path.

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