Service Notices

All Notices > Other Notices > Telefonica Users in Mexico and Latin America Experienced Failure When Accessing HUAWEI CLOUD Mexico Services (Recovered) February 18, 2020 GMT+08:00

Telefonica Users in Mexico and Latin America Experienced Failure When Accessing HUAWEI CLOUD Mexico Services (Recovered) February 18, 2020 GMT+08:00

Feb 18, 2020 GMT+08:00

Dear customer,

HUAWEI CLOUD detected that on February 18, 2020, 14:07 to 15:23 GMT+08:00, Telefonica users in Mexico and Latin America could not access HUAWEI CLOUD Mexico services. HUAWEI CLOUD reported this fault to Telefonica immediately and will follow the troubleshooting progress.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please submit a service ticket.

Thank you for using HUAWEI CLOUD.