
  • 新闻播报风格文案(100句) 我国是世界上首个国内发明专利有效量超三百万件的国家, 我国发明专利有效量已位居世界第一。 截至二零二二年底,高价值发明专利拥有量达到一百三十二点四万件, 占发明专利有效量的比重超过四成。 我国正在从知识产权引进大国向知识产权创造大国转变, 知识产权工作正在从追求数量向提高质量转变。 近日,关于互联网电视收费乱象的话题不断冲上热搜, 互联网电视平台套娃式的充会员看视频的模式让不少网友直呼太反感。 随着版权保护意识的加强,用户已经愿意以付费方式来收看影视内容, 可商家在收费之余却忽视了消费者的观看体验。 视频平台应该更多的向自身挖掘内容,而不是一味的向用户涨价。 无论哪方都需要多方面考量,结合多终端兼容的市场需要, 为人民带来更加丰富的资源,才能走得长远。 网络暴力是当前社会面临的一大问题。 在社交媒体上,人们可以随意发表言论, 但是也需要意识到这些言论所带来的后果。 预防和治理网络暴力是一个需要全社会共同关注和解决的庞大课题, 除了平台方需要倾注努力,还需监管部门、用户、媒体等多方主体的协作支持、共同参与。 在一场网络暴力事件中,用户可能是直接施暴者、直接或间接传播者,也可能是受害者。 用户应注重规范自身“文明上网”的行为习惯, 严守言论自由的义务边界,提高对于网络暴力行为的识别能力, 及时举报相关内容,学习了解有关平台防范网络暴力的功能机制, 做好自我防护,避免网络暴力再次发生。 近日,旅美大熊猫丫丫因恶劣的健康状况,引发了网友的大量关注和担忧。 多方纷纷站出来为丫丫发声,盼望它早日归来。 从网友的评论中和声援中,感受到了华人的温度, 前路依然充满荆棘,但我们绝不放弃,永不退缩。 “熊猫外交”也增强了国家文化的生命力、创新力、凝聚力和传播力。 八月二十四日中午十二时,日本福岛第一核电站启动核污染水排海。 海洋是全人类赖以生存的蓝色家园, 不顾大众反对坚持将核污染水排海这一自私行为,会使海洋受到严峻挑战。 爱护海洋,是当今每个国家义不容辞的责任, 保护海洋就是守护我们共同家园,造福后代。 日本排污未经得大众同意,此行为必将受到严厉谴责, 海洋安全也将受到不可估量的破坏。 心软的神终于又拿起了拯救世人的手术刀, 天才眼科医生陶勇,医术高超的他,一天甚至可以做八十六台手术, 到现在为止,让一点五万患者重获光明。 他却被自己治愈的患者砍伤,无法再拿起手术刀。 可他忍着剧痛,日复一日做手部康复训练, 在每一日的痛苦哀嚎背后,是他想要重回手术台,救助更多患者的决心。 只要有烟火,黑暗终究被驱散, 终于,他花了三年时间,在那条看不清未来的路上,找到了光。 这位心软的神,又来缝缝补补这个世界了! 小男孩,今年七岁, 在前不久落幕的湖南省青少年锦标赛中,他一举拿下五金两银。 他说,梦想是长大后成为奥运冠军。 他的父母均是残障人士,全家生活困苦。 生活的艰辛,训练的困苦,他都没有退缩, 功夫不负有心人,他取得了亮眼的成绩, 他双眼炯炯有神,说长大后要成为奥运冠军! “五一”黄金周迎来旅游热潮, 无论是从游客出行距离,消费活跃度还是客流量来看, 今年的旅游热度均创下近年来的历史新高。 便利快捷的交通出行方式,让民众实现旅游自由, 多样化的旅游选择,满足各类民众的游玩需求, “五一”旅游热潮,无疑成为各地经济发展的有效“助推器”。 中国梦的本质是国家富强,民族振兴,人民幸福。 实现伟大梦想,必须进行伟大斗争、建设伟大工程、推进伟大事业。 青年兴则国家兴,青年强则国家强。 广大青年要勇做时代的弄潮儿, 在实现中国梦的实践中放飞青春梦想,在为人民利益的奋斗中书写人生华章。 三月二日,神舟十五号乘组进行了二次出舱活动, 在轨三个月取得多项阶段性成果。 自二零二一年神舟十二号载人飞行任务以来, 四个航天员乘组累计开展十次出舱活动,突破掌握了一系列关键技术, 目前出舱活动已成为在轨员的例行性工作, 后续将根据任务需要继续常态化开展。 第三十一届世界大学生运动会在成都隆重开幕,市民健康跑迎接大运会。 青春绽放势不可挡,青年力量如日中天。 各国青年健儿汇聚在成都大运会的舞台上, 用汗水浇灌最美好的梦想,用奋斗绘就最亮丽的底色,共赴一场盛大的“青春之约”。 同时也激励着我们树立远大理想,练就自身本领, 在人生的赛道上不懈奋斗,以青春的活力促进国家繁荣与民族复兴。 俗话说得好:读万卷书,不如行万里路。 “课本游”作为一种旅游新模式,不仅能丰富旅游内涵、提高旅游质量; 更能让孩子切身实地的感受到学习与实践的知行合一,提高学习兴趣与效率, 同时也能在他们心里埋下一颗文化传承的种子, 有助于我国优秀传统文化的弘扬与传播。 黑猩猩是与人类一样能够直立行走的动物, 喜欢集群生活,能使用简单工具,是已知仅次于人类的最聪慧的动物。 其行为和社会行为都更近似于人类,在人类学研究上具有重大意义。 从中国音乐家发布的数据来看,国内有超过四千万孩子学习钢琴。 占全球总数的百分之八十,且每年以百分之十的速度增长。 近日,中国探月航天形象太空兔正式对外公布名称, 中文名“兔星星”。 据悉,今年上半年,中国造船三大指标全面增长, 造船完工量,新接订单量,手持订单量,三大指标的国际市场份额均为全球第一。 二零二三年八月十五日,著名学术期刊《科学通报》刊发了最新研究成果, 中国科学家实现了从二氧化碳到糖的精准合成,人工合成糖迈出关键一步。 八月十五日,自然资源部发布《中国生态保护红线蓝皮书》, 这是我国首次以蓝皮书形式发布的生态保护红线成果。 蓝皮书表示,全国划定生态保护红线面积合计约三百一十九万平方公里, 涵盖我国全部三十五个生物多样性保护优先区域,百分之九十以上的典型生态系统类型。 九月四日,贵州茅台和瑞幸联名推出的“酱香拿铁”咖啡正式上线, 交警提示大家:为了安全,喝了含有酒精的饮品禁止开车。 今年第十一号台风“海葵”在今日早晨五点前后登陆福建省东山县沿海地区, 中心附近最大风力有八级(二十米/秒),中心最低气压为九百九十五百帕。 今日,福州全市中小学、幼儿园决定停课一天。 近期台风频发,希望大家一切安好! 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)
  • 营销宣传风格文案(100句) 掌握未来,尽在眼前——揭开全新智能科技产品的神秘面纱 在这个快速变化的世界里,技术已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的重要元素。 它不断推动着我们的社会进步,改变着我们的生活方式。 现在,一个引领科技浪潮,凝聚了众多顶尖科技的智能产品即将横空出世! 家用机器人,是一款集合了众多顶尖科技的全新智能设备。 它可以帮助您更轻松地完成各种任务,为您带来更便捷、舒适和智能的生活体验。 家用机器人内置了丰富的功能和应用,能够满足您多样化的需求。 它可以与您的家居设备无缝对接,让您通过语音控制,轻松完成各种家务活动。 家用机器人是您生活中的最佳助手,它为您带来了更为智能、便捷和舒适的生活体验。 这样的智能生活体验,不仅让您的生活变得更加便利,也让您的家庭更加温馨和谐。 从科技创新的角度来看,家用机器人在许多方面都具有创新性。 它采用了简洁、时尚的外观设计,不仅美观大方,而且易于使用和操作。 它可以与智能家居设备进行连接,实现智能家居控制; 在引领科技潮流方面,家用机器人注重持续的技术更新和升级。 它将不断地推出新功能、新技术和新服务,以满足大家不断变化的需求。 接下来,我们将从功能和性能方面为您详细介绍这款家用机器人。 家用机器人具备智能保洁、智慧厨房、智慧管家、安全卫士、生活伴侣等多种功能。 这些功能使得家用机器人成为了一款极具实用性和便利性的智能家居产品。 家用机器人无论是清扫还是拖地,它都能以惊人的速度和效果完成任务。 它能够避开障碍物并高效清扫您的家中的每一个角落,将清洁工作进行到底。 智能机器人还可以根据自己的喜好和家庭环境来选择最合适的清洁模式。 家庭保洁时,智能机器人可以提供多种功能来帮助您完成各种区域的清洁工作。 智能机器人拥有高效的清洁能力。 智能机器人使用先进的吸尘技术和高效旋转刷子,能够在更短的时间内完成清扫任务。 它还能够清除地板和地毯上的各种污垢、灰尘和宠物毛发等杂质,让家变得更加干净整洁。 智能机器人采用先进的传感器和导航技术进行智能导航。 机器人不会碰到家具或其他障碍物,也不会误入不该进入的区域。 智能机器人还具有自动充电功能。 电量低时,它可以自动返回到充电站并自动启动充电。 智能机器人还可以通过语音指令来控制机器人的运行。 智能机器人有多种清洁模式可供选择。 您可以根据自己的喜好和家庭环境来选择最合适的清洁模式。 智能机器人为您提供了快速、高效和方便的家庭保洁服务。 拥有一款家用机器人,您的厨房将焕然一新! 不论是制作美味佳肴,还是清洁厨房,家用机器人都能轻松胜任。 它们可以根据您的口味和需求调节火候、时间和烹饪方式,帮助您烹饪出各种美食。 无论是大餐、快餐还是特殊口味,您只需轻松下达指令,机器人就能为您完成。 尽享美食的同时,您还可以更多地与家人朋友互动,创造宝贵的家庭时光。 智慧厨房是一种将智能科技与厨房设备结合的创新方式。 智慧厨房可以改变传统的烹饪方式,使其更为方便、快捷和健康。 智能机器人内置了多种传感器,可以精准地控制火候、时间和烹饪方式等参数。 它们还可以通过自然语言处理技术理解您的需求,根据您的口味偏好自动调整烹饪参数。 智能机器人还可以与智能烤箱、智能冰箱等,实现更加智能化的烹饪模式。 智能机器人可以根据您的口味和需求,自动烹饪美食。 智能机器人可以通过识别您所使用的食材,提供有关这些食材的营养信息和食谱建议。 它们还能根据您想要的口味和菜谱,自动添加所需的配料和调味品。 他们还可以根据您的个人偏好和历史记录,推荐适合您的菜肴和食谱。 智慧厨房的出现不仅提高了烹饪的效率和质量,还提供了一个新的健康饮食的理念。 智能厨房让我们的生活更方便、更高效、更加健康和美味。 家用机器人不仅是您的得力助手,更是贴心的家庭管家。 它们可以帮助您记住重要事项、日程安排,并提醒您及时处理。 它们能够回答您的问题、提供天气预报、播放音乐等各种娱乐功能。 无论您身处何地,只需一声令下,机器人将立即响应,提供真正个性化的服务。 智慧管家可以通过语音识别和自然语言处理技术,与您或家人进行交互和对话。 您只需对它说出您的需求,它就会立刻执行。 无论是预约洗衣服务、订餐、调节家居温度还是其他家务,智慧管家都能轻松胜任。 智慧管家可以帮助您管理日程安排,记录并提醒重要的会议、约会、生日。 告诉它您的日程安排,它就会在适当的时候提醒您,以确保您不会错过任何重要的事情。 智慧管家还可以监测和记录您的健康数据,例如心率、睡眠质量等。 为您提供个性化的健康建议和推荐,帮助您更好地管理自己的健康。 与健康设备连接后,它会实时传输数据并生成健康报告,让您全面了解自己的健康状况。 智慧管家还可以与智能家居设备进行连接,实现远程控制和自动化操作。 通过手机指令,您可以调节家居设备的亮度、颜色、音量。 智慧管家还能为您提供个性化的购物和外卖服务。 它会为您推荐合适的商品或菜品,并帮助您完成下单和支付。 家用机器人通过智能科技,为您提供贴心、个性化的家庭服务和生活管理。 在智慧管家的帮助下,您可以享受到更加舒适、便捷的生活体验。 家庭安全是每个家庭成员最关注的事情之一。 家用机器人将成为您的得力助手,为您的家庭安全保驾护航。 机器人内置了多种传感器和摄像头,可以随时监测您家中的状况, 一旦发现异常情况,就会立即向您发送警报通知,并采取适当的行动。 无论您在家还是外出,都能够放心知晓家中的安全状况。 机器人可以检查门窗是否关闭、有没有异常人员进入、烟雾或火灾等危险情况。 一旦发现异常情况,机器人会立即发出警报,通知您和家庭成员。 它们可以在居住区域周围巡逻,确保家庭的安全和隐私。 机器人还可以监控您家的空气质量、温度和湿度等参数,为您的家庭健康保驾护航。 机器人可以检测室内的环境和温度,并及时发现火灾和其他危险情况。 它们还可以配备喷水设备或灭火器,当发生火灾时快速采取行动,避免火势扩散。 机器人可以为您的家庭成员提供日常生活的帮助,例如为老年人提供日常护理等服务。 机器人可以帮助您保护家庭网络的安全,防止黑客入侵和数据泄露。 它们可以监控网络流量、追踪异常活动,并提供加密和安全存储数据的方案。 总的来说,家用机器人在安全保护和协助服务方面具备多种功能。 家用机器人不仅是您的得力助手,更是您贴心的家庭管家和忠实伴侣。 它们会陪伴您度过孤独的时刻,提供友好的交流和精彩的娱乐,让您永远不再感到孤单。 无论是与机器人一起跳舞、聊天还是观看电影,它们都能成为您开心时光的陪伴者。 家用机器人可以成为您的生活伴侣,与您进行互动和交流。 它们可以讲笑话、唱歌、讲故事,甚至能够跳舞和演奏乐器。 您可以通过语音与机器人交谈,并询问问题,例如天气预报、新闻资讯、菜谱等。 家用机器人可以帮助您监测健康数据并提供健康建议。 机器人可以成为您的学习伴侣,提供知识和教育支持。 它们可以回答您的问题、解释概念、讲解学科知识。 为了感谢广大消费者,品牌现在特别推出限时优惠活动! 购买家用机器人,即可享受超值优惠!数量有限,先到先得! 只需一键下单,即可享受上门安装和贴心售后服务,让您无后顾之忧。 不要再犹豫了,现在是购买的最佳时机!限时优惠真的不容错过! 我们承诺,您在购买指定家用机器人后,将会享受到优质的售后服务和保障。 我们会为您提供全面的支持和保障,确保您在使用过程中获得最佳的体验和满意度。 在优惠期间购买的家用机器人将享受售后服务和升级支持。 价格之低令人心动。还等什么? 赶快行动起来,带上家用机器人,开启智能家居新篇章! 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)
  • 新闻播报风格英文文案(100句) China is the first country in the world with over three million valid domestic invention patents. China's number of valid invention patents has ranked first in the world. By the end of two thousand and twenty-two, the number of high-value invention patents reached one point three two four million. They accounted for over forty percent of the total valid invention patents. China is transitioning from a country that imports intellectual property rights to a country that creates intellectual property rights. The focus of intellectual property work is shifting from pursuing quantity to improving quality. Recently, the issue of chaotic fees for internet TV has been trending, attracting widespread attention. The nested membership and video-watching model of internet TV platforms has been strongly criticized by many netizens. With the strengthening of copyright protection awareness, users are willing to pay to watch film and television content. However, many businesses have neglected the viewing experience of consumers while charging fees. Video platforms should focus more on exploring their own content, rather than simply raising prices for users. All parties need to consider multiple factors and market needs that are compatible with multiple terminals. To achieve long-term success, we must bring more abundant resources to the people. Online violence is a major problem facing society today. On social media, people can freely express their opinions. However, we must also be aware of the consequences of these opinions. Preventing and managing online violence is a huge issue that requires the attention and cooperation of the entire society. In addition to the efforts of the platform, it also requires the cooperation and support of regulatory agencies, users, media, and other stakeholders. In an online violence incident, users may be direct perpetrators, direct or indirect spreaders, or victims. Users should pay attention to regulating their own \"civilized internet\" behavior habits. Adhere to the boundaries of freedom of speech and enhance the ability to identify online violent behavior. Report relevant content in a timely manner and learn about the platform's mechanisms for preventing online violence. Take self-protection measures to prevent the recurrence of online violence. Recently, the health condition of the giant panda Ya Ya, who is currently in the United States, has attracted a lot of attention and concern from netizens. Many parties have spoken up for Ya Ya, hoping for its early return. From the comments and support of netizens, we can feel the warmth of the Chinese people. The road ahead is still full of challenges, but we will never give up and never retreat. \"Panda diplomacy\" also enhances the vitality, innovation, cohesion, and dissemination power of national culture. On August twenty-fourth at twelve o'clock noon, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan started discharging contaminated water into the sea. The ocean is the blue home on which all humanity relies for survival. Ignoring the public's opposition and persisting in the selfish act of discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea will pose a serious challenge to the ocean. Protecting the ocean is an indispensable responsibility for every country today. Protecting the ocean means safeguarding our common home and benefiting future generations. The act of Japan's pollution without the consent of the public will undoubtedly be severely condemned. Ocean security will also suffer incalculable damage. The merciful god has finally picked up the surgical knife again to save the world. Dr. Tao Yong, a genius ophthalmologist with superb medical skills, can perform up to eighty-six surgeries in a single day. So far, fifteen thousand patients have regained their sight. However, he was stabbed by a patient he had cured, and was unable to pick up the scalpel again. But he endured the severe pain and continued to do hand rehabilitation training day after day. Behind the daily cries of pain, there is his determination to return to the operating table and save more patients. As long as there is fireworks, darkness will eventually be dispelled. Finally, after three years, he found the light on that unclear path to the future. This kind-hearted god has come to patch up this world again! The little boy, Jiang Honghui, is seven years old this year. In the recently concluded Hunan Provincial Youth Championship, he won five gold and two silver medals. He said his dream is to become an Olympic champion when he grows up. Both of his parents are disabled, and the family lives in poverty. Despite the hardships of life and training, he never gives up. His hard work paid off, and he achieved remarkable results. With bright and determined eyes, he says he wants to become an Olympic champion when he grows up! The \"May Day\" Golden Week has ushered in a tourism boom. Whether it is the distance traveled by tourists, the level of consumption, or the number of visitors, this year's tourism heat has reached a new high in recent years. this year's tourism heat has reached a new high in recent years. Convenient and fast transportation options have allowed people to enjoy travel freedom. Diverse tourism choices meet the needs of various people for leisure. The tourism boom during the \"May Day\" holiday undoubtedly becomes an effective \"booster\" for local economic development. The essence of the Chinese Dream is a prosperous nation, a rejuvenated nation, and a happy people. To achieve great dreams, we must engage in great struggles, build great projects, and promote great causes. When the youth thrive, the nation thrives; when the youth are strong, the nation is strong. The youth should bravely become the trendsetters of the times. Fly your dreams of youth in the practice of realizing the Chinese Dream, and write a brilliant chapter of life in the struggle for the interests of the people. On March , the crew of Shenzhou fifteen conducted their second extravehicular activity. They have achieved multiple phased accomplishments during their three-month stay in orbit. Since the manned mission of Shenzhou twelve in two thousand and twenty-one year, The four astronauts have conducted a total of ten extravehicular activities, breaking through and mastering a series of key technologies. Currently, extravehicular activities have become routine work for the crew in orbit. They will continue to be carried out on a regular basis according to mission requirements. The Thirty-first World University Games opened grandly in Chengdu, with citizens participating in a healthy run to welcome the Games. Youth is blooming with unstoppable momentum, and the power of the youth is at its peak. Young athletes from various countries gather on the stage of the Chengdu University Games, Watering the most beautiful dreams with sweat, and painting the most vibrant background with hard work, they come together for a grand \"youth pact\". At the same time, it also inspires us to establish lofty ideals, develop our own abilities, Strive unremittingly on the track of life, and promote national prosperity and the rejuvenation of the nation with the vitality of youth. As the saying goes, it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books. \"Textbook tours\" as a new mode of tourism not only enriches the content and improves the quality of tourism; It also allows children to personally experience the integration of knowledge and practice, and enhances their interest and efficiency in learning. At the same time, it can also plant a seed of cultural inheritance in their hearts, Which helps promote the promotion and dissemination of our excellent traditional culture. Chimpanzees are animals that can walk upright like humans, They enjoy living in groups, can use simple tools, and are known to be the second most intelligent animals after humans. Its behavior and social behavior are more similar to humans, which has significant implications for anthropological research. According to data released by Chinese musicians, there are over forty million children learning piano in China. This accounts for eighty percent of the global total and grows at a rate of ten percent annually. Recently, the Chinese lunar exploration space IP image \"Space Rabbit\" has officially announced its name. Its Chinese name is \"Tuxingxing\" (which means \"Rabbit Star\"), with the meaning of \"Jade Rabbit patrolling the moon, setting sail in the galaxy\". It is reported that in the first half of this year, China's three major shipbuilding indicators have all increased comprehensively. The international market share of the three major indicators, namely shipbuilding completion volume, new order volume, and order backlog volume, are all ranked first in the world. On August , two thousand and twenty-three year, the prestigious academic journal \"Science Bulletin\" published the latest research results. Chinese scientists have achieved precise synthesis of sugar from carbon dioxide, taking a crucial step towards artificial sugar synthesis. On August, the Ministry of Natural Resources released the \"Blue Book of China's Ecological Protection Red Line\". This is the first time that China has published the results of its ecological protection red line in the form of a blue book. The blue book indicates that the total area of the ecological protection red line designated nationwide is approximately three point nineteen million square kilometers, covering all thirty-five priority areas for biodiversity conservation in China and over ninety percent of typical ecosystem types. On September four, the \"Sauce Fragrance Latte\" coffee jointly launched by Guizhou Maotai and Luckin Coffee was officially launched. The traffic police remind everyone that for safety reasons, it is prohibited to drive after consuming alcoholic beverages. Typhoon Number Eleven \"Haikui\" made landfall in the coastal areas of Dongshan County, Fujian Province around five o'clock am this morning. The maximum wind force near the center during landing is 8 on the Beaufort scale (twenty meters/second), and the minimum central air pressure is nine hundred and ninety-five hectopascals. Today, all primary and secondary schools, as well as kindergartens in Fuzhou, have decided to suspend classes for one day. Recently, there have been frequent typhoons. I hope everyone is safe and well! 父主题: 文案样例(进阶版)