MapReduce服务 MRS-访问多ZooKeeper:代码样例

时间:2023-11-01 16:19:45



    private static void login(String keytabFile, String principal) throws IOException {        conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();        //In Windows environment        String confDirPath = TestZKSample.class.getClassLoader().getResource("").getPath() + File.separator;[1]        //In Linux environment        //String confDirPath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator;        // Set zoo.cfg for hbase to connect to fi zookeeper.        conf.set("hbase.client.zookeeper.config.path", confDirPath + "zoo.cfg");        if (User.isHBaseSecurityEnabled(conf)) {            // jaas.conf file, it is included in the client pakcage file            System.setProperty("", confDirPath + "jaas.conf");            // set the kerberos server info,point to the kerberosclient            System.setProperty("", confDirPath + "krb5.conf");            // set the keytab file name            conf.set("username.client.keytab.file", confDirPath + keytabFile);            // set the user's principal            try {                conf.set("username.client.kerberos.principal", principal);                User.login(conf, "username.client.keytab.file", "username.client.kerberos.principal",                    InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName());            } catch (IOException e) {                throw new IOException("Login failed.", e);            }        }    }
    private void connectApacheZK() throws IOException, org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException {        try {            // Create apache zookeeper connection.            ZooKeeper digestZk = new ZooKeeper("", 60000, null);  "digest directory:{}", digestZk.getChildren("/", null));  "Successfully connect to apache zookeeper.");        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            LOG.error("Found error when connect apache zookeeper ", e);        }    }