应用与数据集成平台 ROMA CONNECT-创建产品:响应示例

时间:2023-11-29 17:31:43


状态码: 201


  "permissions" : [ "read", "access", "delete", "modify" ],
  "id" : 120671,
  "product_serial" : "Dd1bRt122894",
  "app_id" : "a1503e51-46f7-4d23-8617-7cb2d28dde98",
  "name" : "pro-opcua",
  "manufacturer_id" : "pro-opcua",
  "manufacturer_name" : "pro-opcua",
  "model" : "pro-opcua",
  "product_type" : 0,
  "description" : "opcua product",
  "protocol_type" : 4,
  "device_type" : "default",
  "version" : "version",
  "status" : 0,
  "created_datetime" : 1607481372416,
  "last_updated_datetime" : 1607481372416,
  "app_name" : "app-link",
  "data_format" : 0,
  "created_user" : {
    "user_id" : "6546435432432",
    "user_name" : "user1"
  "last_updated_user" : {
    "user_id" : "6546435432432",
    "user_name" : "user1"
  "authentication" : {
    "user_name" : "4MjxbCl4q461",
    "password" : "********"

状态码: 400

Bad Request

  "error_code" : "ROMA.00110001",
  "error_msg" : "The parameter does not meet verification rules: [name:Can not be empty, manufacturer_name:Can not be empty, manufacturer_id:Can not be empty, product_type:must not be null, app_id:must not be empty, model:Can not be empty]",
  "request_id" : "b728949c-dfb5-4277-b54e-7c05e1b0b598-1619663322828-cnnorth7a-P-romalink-service01"

状态码: 404

Not Found

  "error_code" : "ROMA.00110006",
  "error_msg" : "The resource does not exist. Check whether the resource ID ff38023c-0854-4779-847d-72528e1f5da5 is correct.",
  "request_id" : "72b07918-f6a2-4721-81bf-f3fd5486025e-1619663576836-cnnorth7a-P-romalink-service01"

状态码: 500

Internal Server Error

  "error_code" : "ROMA.00110002",
  "error_msg" : "The instance does not exist. project_id: 397cd10b30544c588b2f4a56d83856c4, instance_id: f3bb386a-23ec-47aa-9943-4c60ac658611",
  "request_id" : "c8c06d0a-be92-4fdf-9d10-bc20131ab158-1619593104919-cnnorth7a-P-romalink-service01"