云数据库 GAUSSDB NOSQL-测试方法:测试工具

时间:2023-11-10 12:13:29


本次测试采用Redis Labs推出的多线程压测工具memtier_benchmark,具体使用方法请参见memtier_benchmark。下面就使用到的memtier_benchmark的部分功能进行简单介绍。
Usage: memtier_benchmark [options]

A memcache/redis NoSQL traffic generator and performance benchmarking tool.

Connection and General Options:
    -s, --server=ADDR                         Server address (default: localhost)
    -p, --port=PORT                           Server port (default: 6379)
    -a, --authenticate=PASSWORD               Authenticate to redis using PASSWORD
    -o, --out-file=FILE                       Name of output file (default: stdout)

Test Options:
    -n, --requests=NUMBER                     Number of total requests per client (default: 10000)
    -c, --clients=NUMBER                      Number of clients per thread (default: 50)
    -t, --threads=NUMBER                      Number of threads (default: 4)
        --ratio=RATIO                         Set:Get ratio (default: 1:10)
        --pipeline=NUMBER                     Number of concurrent pipelined requests (default: 1)
        --distinct-client-seed                Use a different random seed for each client
        --randomize                           Random seed based on timestamp (default is constant value)

Object Options:
    -d --data-size=SIZE                       Object data size (default: 32)
    -R --random-data                          Indicate that data should be randomized

Key Options:
    --key-prefix=PREFIX                       Prefix for keys (default: memtier-)
    --key-minimum=NUMBER                      Key ID minimum value (default: 0)
    --key-maximum=NUMBER                      Key ID maximum value (default: 10000000)